We offer a wide range of fishing rods, reels and fishing equipment from one of the oldest fishing companies, Zebco.
The beginning of Zebco Europe in Germany goes all the way back to the year 1860 when Josef Witt and Ernst Gustav Führmann founded a company under their names in Hamburg selling ropes, nets and other equipment for commercial fishing. Soon the product range was extended to include fishing tackle. Today, the company is owned by the American company W.C.Bradley Co.
Objevte praktický a šikovný teploměr pro zjišťování teploty vody, speciálně navržený pro rybáře! Tento kompaktní teploměr je ideální pro snadné uložení do kapsy kalhot a bude vás doprovázet na každé rybářské výpravě. Teploměr se vyrábí z kovu, je robustní, odolný a nabízí dlouhou životnost.
Pevný trojháček v šedé barvě vyrobený z oceli kruhového průřezu. Vyrábí se ve velikostech 2/0, 1/0, 2, 4 a 6. Vhodný pro lov štik, candátů, pstruhů, jelců, ...
Pevný trojháček v šedé barvě vyrobený z oceli kruhového průřezu. Vyrábí se ve velikostech 2/0, 1/0, 2, 4 a 6. Vhodný pro lov štik, candátů, pstruhů, jelců, ...
The classic spoon bait! Always effective and available in three standard colour varations. From the 6 gram light stream spoon bait for trout through to the heavy pike spoon for deep river section up to 45 grams
The classic spoon bait! Always effective and available in three standard colour varations. From the 6 gram light stream spoon bait for trout through to the heavy pike spoon for deep river section up to 45 grams.
The classic spoon bait! Always effective and available in three standard colour varations. From the 6 gram light stream spoon bait for trout through to the heavy pike spoon for deep river section up to 45 grams.
The classic spoon bait! Always effective and available in three standard colour varations. From the 6 gram light stream spoon bait for trout through to the heavy pike spoon for deep river section up to 45 grams.
The classic spoon bait! Always effective and available in three standard colour varations. From the 6 gram light stream spoon bait for trout through to the heavy pike spoon for deep river section up to 45 grams.
The classic spoon bait! Always effective and available in three standard colour varations. From the 6 gram light stream spoon bait for trout through to the heavy pike spoon for deep river section up to 45 grams