Štikový vlasec zelené barvy s optimální průtažností, která eliminuje výpady ryby při zdolávání. Má velmi dobrou pevnost v uzlu, což vám umožní používat optimální průměr vlasce při velmi dobré celkové nosnosti.
One of the best lines on the market with EFTTA certification. Unrivaled knot strength, wear resistance and long life. Suitable for all fishing methods.
Speciálně vyrobený pro lov v zarostlých, bahnitých vodách nebo za soumraku. Díky své fluoreskující barvě, která se odráží ve světle, je NIGHTLINE jasně vidět.
Vlasec v maskovací (ze tří barev) barvě s dlouhou životností, potápivý, nenápadný pro method feeder vhodný na lov kdekoliv, při závodech nebo speciálních způsobech rybolovu.
Vlasec v maskovací (ze tří barev) barvě s dlouhou životností, potápivý, nenápadný pro method feeder vhodný na lov kdekoliv, při závodech nebo speciálních způsobech rybolovu.
Trilene Maxx je super pevný, nekompromisní vlasec s vysokou tuhostí a maximální ovladatelností. Je stavěn do extrémních podmínek a disponuje větší odolností proti nečekaným výpadům ryby.
ProSpec SW mono je navržen tak, aby byl odolný vůči otěru a lehce ovladatelný na smekacích navijácích. Je to vynikající vlasec pro dlouhé hody na slané vody.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Reventon No.1 PREMIUM is a sinking line of transparent color. It excels in strong and reliable knots, flat structure, smooth surface and virtually zero memory.
Reventon No.1 PREMIUM is a sinking line of transparent color. It excels in strong and reliable knots, flat structure, smooth surface and virtually zero memory.