Fishing special. Here you will find specialized fishing categories (such as e-shops in the e-shop) focused on fishing methods such as feeder, match, spinning or ice fishing. Whether you are fishing for carp, roach, trout, catfish, pike at lake and rivers or halibut, herring, cod, tuna at sea, we have the right fishing equipment for you.
The DAM Yagi Light Spoon rods are specially designed for fishing with light spoons but can also handle other small lures like small soft lures. The incredibly sensitive carbon solid tips detect even the slightest bites and due to the semi-parabolic bending curve, these rods offer incredible safety while playing the fish and great fun even with smaller fish.
The DAM Yagi Light Spoon rods are specially designed for fishing with light spoons but can also handle other small lures like small soft lures. The incredibly sensitive carbon solid tips detect even the slightest bites and due to the semi-parabolic bending curve, these rods offer incredible safety while playing the fish and great fun even with smaller fish.
The DAM Yagi Light Spoon rods are specially designed for fishing with light spoons but can also handle other small lures like small soft lures. The incredibly sensitive carbon solid tips detect even the slightest bites and due to the semi-parabolic bending curve, these rods offer incredible safety while playing the fish and great fun even with smaller fish.
The DAM Yagi Light Spoon rods are specially designed for fishing with light spoons but can also handle other small lures like small soft lures. The incredibly sensitive carbon solid tips detect even the slightest bites and due to the semi-parabolic bending curve, these rods offer incredible safety while playing the fish and great fun even with smaller fish.
Tradiční a jedna z nejvíce oblíbených nástrah k lovu kaprovitých ryb. Nyní nově v ještě atraktivnějším provedení - dvojité dipování zvyšuje její účinnost.
Tradiční a jedna z nejvíce oblíbených nástrah k lovu kaprovitých ryb. Nyní nově v ještě atraktivnějším provedení - dvojité dipování zvyšuje její účinnost.
Plastová drtička s násypkou 70 mm vnitřní průměr. Přípravek na drcení boilies, partiklů - jako návnady do PVA punčoch a pod. Není určeno na drcení extrémně tvrdých komponentů - plastové hroty.
Držák nápojů od britské značky NGT 3 v 1 je velice praktický pomocník a poskytuje maximální pohodlí při rybolovu nebo kempování kdy potřebujete mít svůj nápoj vždy po ruce a uhasit žízeň. Držák je určen pro širokou škálu teplých i studených nápojů a velice snadno se připojuje k židlím, lehátkům a vlastně všude, kde jej budete potřebovat.
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!
Original EFFZETT® spoons. These spoons need no further introduction. Decades of success speaks for itself. The sheer number of copies that have been unsuccessfully attempted would fill a catalogue on their own! What a success story!