The Lok Down Compact Pod has been designed to pack away small and near, yet still have optimal adjustability. Featruing an adjutable main bar and fold out compact legs, the pod can be used on any bank, from platforms, staging and hard ground.
The Lok Down Low pod is perfect for the angler that that travels light. The lightweight design sits super low to the ground and can be set up in quickly. When folded down, the Lok Down Low pod is small enough to fit in most Carryalls and Rucksacks.
The English brand NGT comes with a new model of a very variable and stable stand that can be adapted in any terrain. This small and very successful stand will be appreciated especially by fans of the UK style of fishing.
The Gun Pod model 81002 with 3 rod rests is more than a beginner’s version for pricesensitive carp anglers – due to its design, quality and equipment, it is a real alternative for advanced, quality-sensitive anglers.
Choose your option: either use the Rod & High pod as classical rod pod with 4 adjustable feet of equal length or as a modern, very variable pod featuring feet with different lengths at the front and the back.
No matter if you are fishing uneven ground or wooden platforms, with its 4 fully adjustable legs this rod pod offers rock solid support on any surface.
Rod Pod Compact představuje velmi kompaktní, stabilní, lehký a zároveň spolehlivý stojan. Jeho design a černá povrchová úprava je taktéž velmi povedená. Díky výsuvným nohám a tělu dosáhnete u stojanu požadované výšky a délky. Nohy lze nastavit až do tří různých poloh.
Tripod Elite 3 Rod patří jistě k nejoblíbenejším modelům tripodu na našem trhu. Tento stojan je v první řadě velmi kvalitní,stabilní, lehký a zároveň nabízí širokou škálu variability nastavení.
Probably the most versatile pod in the range, the Extreme TX Pod can be used in any fishing condition. Adjustable in length, height and various leg angles, the Extreme TX pod adapts to any surface.
The legendary Tri-Sky has evolved – welcome to the exciting world of the new Element Quick Release rod pods. Featuring all the great attributes of their predecessors but with much quicker set-up and pack-down times thanks to our QR quick release system, with quick-release legs and buzz bars.
This heavy-duty telescopic tripod offers a super-stable base for two rods, making it ideal for pellet fishing. The bottom buzzer bar features two deep cups, while the top buzzer bar has two king sized, super-solid V-rests, which can be screwed off and replaced with bite alarms if that better suits the situation.
ZFISH Smart Pod 3 Rods is a compact, light, easy and quick to assemble pod for 3 rods with bars 40 cm wide. The great advantage of this stand are the simple, integrated threads for easy and correct locking of the bite indicator and a very practical spirit level for horizontal positioning and a simple locking system.
Developed exclusively for STARBAITS this new range of BAROODA rod pods are fantastic for anglers fishing big lakes and reservoirs or large rivers where keeping your rods high is essential.