Whether Perch, Pike or Zander, in this category of our online shop the angler can find from the rod to the bait everything to catch the predators in freshwater.
Pomalu potápivá nástraha na okouny a pstruhy s realistickou imitací malé nástražní rybky. Vhodná pro klidné vody i do proudu. Nástraha COR SLS2 skvěle pracuje při pomalém navíjení, změně rychlosti navíjení, při twitchování i dalších technikách.
Pomalu potápivá nástraha na okouny a pstruhy s realistickou imitací malé nástražní rybky. Vhodná pro klidné vody i do proudu. Nástraha COR SLS2 skvěle pracuje při pomalém navíjení, změně rychlosti navíjení, při twitchování i dalších technikách.
Speciálně vyrobený pro lov v zarostlých, bahnitých vodách nebo za soumraku. Díky své fluoreskující barvě, která se odráží ve světle, je NIGHTLINE jasně vidět.
Speciálně vyrobený pro lov v zarostlých, bahnitých vodách nebo za soumraku. Díky své fluoreskující barvě, která se odráží ve světle, je NIGHTLINE jasně vidět.
The Cross Water 5PiF offers an outstanding price-performance ratio and depending on the reel size is designed for permanent reliable application at freshwater fishing for zander, pike, perch or trout but can also be used for general coarse fishing.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.
Modern, precisely designed spoons with a single hook for ultralight spinning. A very effective bait for catching trout and small predators in still and running water.