Rybashop offers every angler a big assortment of Monofilament Lines in different colours and sizes. You will find the suitable Monofilament Fishing Line for every fish.
CARP STALKER is an ideal solution for carp fishing specialists – it has all the required characteristics necessary to satisfy even the most demanding anglers. The line has special camouflage coloration, high knot strength, minimal stretch and zero memory.
This fast sinking line has been designed especially for match angling for which it is very important that the line sinks as quickly as possible without staying on the surface being blown away by wind.
This unique monofilament is able to change its color according to the intensity of sunlight - from green shades to brown ones to red one.
Gladiator is fishing line is suited for fishermen that use a variety of different presentations and style of fishing. Its green color makes it almost invisible in murky water.
Gold Carp has great feel and is perfect for big fish. It has a high snap resistance and a controlled stretch. Gold Carp has superior knot strength so you can haul in the biggest of carps.
Iguana fishing line is designed for strong-toothed fish that fight till the end. It combines strength and elasticity and fully satisfies the most severe criteria issued by the most demanding anglers.
Iguana fishing line is designed for strong-toothed fish that fight till the end. It combines strength and elasticity and fully satisfies the most severe criteria issued by the most demanding anglers.
Mandra is different from other fishing lines. It has contrasting colors yellow and black. The line is very strong and unbelievably visible above water. Mandra’s high visibility above the water allows you to control your bait perfectly.
Line designed primarily for spinning. Thanks to the invaluable properties of nanoparticles it has all the necessary features essential for this fishing method.
Reventon No.1 PREMIUM is a sinking line of transparent color. It excels in strong and reliable knots, flat structure, smooth surface and virtually zero memory.
A line of the new generation. Thanks to a special production process RXR Kameleon is able to adjust its color to its surrounding environment.
A line of the new generation. Thanks to a special production process RXR Kameleon is able to adjust its color to its surrounding environment.
The new molecular structure of Tarantula gives it grater tensile strength with a good amount of stretch. These great qualities give you a great deal of confidence when you hook a big fish. Tarantula should be on the pedestal of its own.
This line from Balsax has excellent knot strength, very high abrasion resistance and posses the perfect amount of stretch. It works great for all types of fishing you may do. Competition our recreation.
The original color makes this fishing line almost completely invisible against the muddy bottom. A special protective layer covering its surface dramatically reduces frictional resistance, which allows longer throws to be achieved.
Berkley® ProSpec Saltwater monofilament is the next generation of monofilament fishing lines. Designed to be abrasion resistant and manageable on spinning gear, ProSpec SW mono is your go to long casting line for all saltwater applications.
Berkley® ProSpec Saltwater monofilament is the next generation of monofilament fishing lines. Designed to be abrasion resistant and manageable on spinning gear, ProSpec SW mono is your go to long casting line for all saltwater applications.
Trilene Maxx je super pevný, nekompromisní vlasec s vysokou tuhostí a maximální ovladatelností. Je stavěn do extrémních podmínek a disponuje větší odolností proti nečekaným výpadům ryby.
Absolutně nový výrobek, který Vás ohromí. Ovladatelnost, maximální pevnost a vysoká oděru vzdornost.
Tento japonský, extrémně pevný vlasec nejvíce ocení specialisté na kapry. Špičkový nylon byl vyvinut na opravdu profesionální úrovni a jeho pevnost je založena na patentovaném výrobním postupu.
Japonský špičkový monofilový vlasec s vyrovnaným a spolehlivým výkonem. Byl vyvinut s použitím patentovaného postupu se zapojením fluorocarbonových molekul, které dodávají vlasci neobyčejnou vláčnost při vysoké tažné síle.
Japonský špičkový monofilový vlasec s vyrovnaným a spolehlivým výkonem. Byl vyvinut s použitím patentovaného postupu se zapojením fluorocarbonových molekul, které dodávají vlasci neobyčejnou vláčnost při vysoké tažné síle.
Tento velmi málo průtažný a lehce potápivý nylonový vlasec není jen favoritem pevnosti v tahu, ale ve své třídě rybářských vlasců nabízí také ohromně vysokou pevnost v uzlu.
Kamuflážově zbarvený vlasec (ze tří barev) s vysokou odolností proti oděru – ideální pro method feederové rybaření. Hodí se pro závodní rybaření i pro cílený lov velkých ryb. Velmi rychle potápivý.
Vlasec v maskovací (ze tří barev) barvě s dlouhou životností, potápivý, nenápadný pro method feeder vhodný na lov kdekoliv, při závodech nebo speciálních způsobech rybolovu.
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