Fishing weights, leads and feeders are an indispensable tool for fishing. In this category we bring you a wide selection of end and in-line leads, weights, feeders and split shots.
Heavy Metal is the heaviest putty in the world. Extra concentrated with micro tungsten, it is 200% heavier than any other putty on the market. Due to its extreme density, only small pieces are needed to precisely balance what you need, such as a pop-up.
Heavy Metal is the heaviest putty in the world. Extra concentrated with micro tungsten, it is 200% heavier than any other putty on the market. Due to its extreme density, only small pieces are needed to precisely balance what you need, such as a pop-up.
Heavy Metal is the heaviest putty in the world. Extra concentrated with micro tungsten, it is 200% heavier than any other putty on the market. Due to its extreme density, only small pieces are needed to precisely balance what you need, such as a pop-up.
Kryston Polyfloats, Super floating putty thats easy to mould. Superb aid for free-lining surface baits. When connecting two different lines, e.g. Mono to Multi-Strand with a ring or swivel, lightly mould a small piece around the connector to make it weightless, preventing your line sinking and spoiling your presentation.
Čeburaška je extrémně účinná při lovu na přívlač nebo na lehký troling s menšími nebo středně velkými gumovými nástrahami. Díky kloubovým spojkám gumové nástrahy pracují velmi přirozeně a dokáží vyprovokovat každého dravce k útoku.
Měkká formička na krmítka Filfishing Filex Method Feeder XXL byla zkonstruována tak, aby umožnila dokonalé naplnění krmítek Flex Method Feeder XXL. Při použítí těchto formiček Vám vznikne vždy naprosto perfekní tvar krmení nebo pelet včetně nástrahy s háčkem v krmítku. Formička je dostatečně měkká, což umožňuje jednodužší vytlačení krmítka z formičky ven.