Series of extremely durable and sharp treble hooks dedicated to uncompromising hunters of predators. The wide range of sizes and shapes will easily allow you to select the model suitable for setting a wobbler, soft lure or hooks for enthusiasts of livebaits.
Leaders made of steel fibers in a graphite coating, equipped with excellent quality swivels and snaps. Completely resistant to cutting and not twisting due to overloads caused by pulling or releasing the bait from the hook.
Leaders made of steel fibers in a graphite coating, equipped with excellent quality swivels and snaps. Completely resistant to cutting and not twisting due to overloads caused by pulling or releasing the bait from the hook.
Leaders made of steel fibers in a graphite coating, equipped with excellent quality swivels and snaps. Completely resistant to cutting and not twisting due to overloads caused by pulling or releasing the bait from the hook.
Leaders made of steel fibers in a graphite coating, equipped with excellent quality swivels and snaps. Completely resistant to cutting and not twisting due to overloads caused by pulling or releasing the bait from the hook.
Leaders made of steel fibers in a graphite coating, equipped with excellent quality swivels and snaps. Completely resistant to cutting and not twisting due to overloads caused by pulling or releasing the bait from the hook.
Simple but effective fine crimp sleeves that you can use when creating rigs using fluorocarbon, hard-mono or steel leader. The sleeves are made of a soft but strong material, so the rig will not be damaged when used.
Simple but effective fine crimp sleeves that you can use when creating rigs using fluorocarbon, hard-mono or steel leader. The sleeves are made of a soft but strong material, so the rig will not be damaged when used.
Simple but effective fine crimp sleeves that you can use when creating rigs using fluorocarbon, hard-mono or steel leader. The sleeves are made of a soft but strong material, so the rig will not be damaged when used.
Simple but effective fine crimp sleeves that you can use when creating rigs using fluorocarbon, hard-mono or steel leader. The sleeves are made of a soft but strong material, so the rig will not be damaged when used.
Simple but effective fine crimp sleeves that you can use when creating rigs using fluorocarbon, hard-mono or steel leader. The sleeves are made of a soft but strong material, so the rig will not be damaged when used.
Hotové boilies návazce určené pro lov kaprů metodou "na vlas". Potápivá šňůrka o nosnosti 25lbs je osazena kaprovým háčkem Kamatsu Kayo-Heavy Carp 5134 a pevnostním obratlíkem Kamatsu. Šňůra a uzel návazce zaručují, že návnada vypadá přirozeně a není podezřelá ani pro ty nejopatrnější ryby.
Special leaders designed particularly for carp fishing with the hair rig method. It was tested in many carp fisheries across Europe and performed well in all conditions. The 25lbs sinking line is equipped with a Kamatsu Kayo-Heavy Carp 5134 carp hook and a Kamatsu power swivel.
Special leaders designed particularly for carp fishing with the hair rig method. It was tested in many carp fisheries across Europe and performed well in all conditions. The 25lbs sinking line is equipped with a Kamatsu Kiji 5153 carp hook and a Kamatsu power swivel.
Special leaders designed particularly for carp fishing with the hair rig method. It was tested in many carp fisheries across Europe and performed well in all conditions. The 25lbs sinking line is equipped with a Kamatsu Koi-Bari 5151 carp hook and a Kamatsu power swivel.
Special leaders designed particularly for carp fishing with the hair rig method. It was tested in many carp fisheries across Europe and performed well in all conditions. The 25lbs sinking line is equipped with a Kamatsu Matsui 5154 carp hook and a Kamatsu power swivel.
Hotové boilies návazce určené pro lov kaprů metodou "na vlas". Potápivá šňůrka o nosnosti 25lbs je osazena kaprovým háčkem bez protihrotu Kamatsu Sensei 5150 a pevnostním obratlíkem Kamatsu. Šňůra a uzel návazce zaručují, že návnada vypadá přirozeně a není podezřelá ani pro ty nejopatrnější ryby.
Special leaders designed particularly for carp fishing with the hair rig method. It was tested in many carp fisheries across Europe and performed well in all conditions. The 25lbs sinking line is equipped with a Kamatsu Sensei 5150 barbless carp hook and a Kamatsu power swivel.
Čeburaška je extrémně účinná při lovu na přívlač nebo na lehký troling s menšími nebo středně velkými gumovými nástrahami. Díky kloubovým spojkám gumové nástrahy pracují velmi přirozeně a dokáží vyprovokovat každého dravce k útoku.
Series of extremely durable and sharp treble hooks dedicated to uncompromising hunters of predators. The wide range of sizes and shapes will easily allow you to select the model suitable for setting a wobbler, soft lure or hooks for enthusiasts of livebaits.