Monofilament rigs are one of the secrets to the success of specialist catfish. Incredibly resistant to friction, invisible, rigid and anti-twist. The monofilament rig is suitable for fishing with a lure, legering and fishing with buoys.
Monofilament rigs are one of the secrets to the success of specialist catfish. Incredibly resistant to friction, invisible, rigid and anti-twist. The monofilament rig is suitable for fishing with a lure, legering and fishing with buoys.
Monofilament rigs are one of the secrets to the success of specialist catfish. Incredibly resistant to friction, invisible, rigid and anti-twist. The monofilament rig is suitable for fishing with a lure, legering and fishing with buoys.
Monofilament rigs are one of the secrets to the success of specialist catfish. Incredibly resistant to friction, invisible, rigid and anti-twist. The monofilament rig is suitable for fishing with a lure, legering and fishing with buoys.
In modern catfish, a special extremely durable and flexible tube can be used for many purposes, eg as a knot protection on all common hook sizes, an underwater float stop on the main line or it can be used to secure a bait on a hook.
Speciální klouzavý kroužek se spojovací karabinou pro všechny druhy trhacích montáží, freestyle a montáže na položenou, ale také k dvojitému potopení montáží s kameny.
This special underwater float creates enticing swirls and additional turbulence in the water just before the bait. It can be used as a lifting body when fishing with dead bait fish, live fish or alternative baits.
This special underwater float creates enticing swirls and additional turbulence in the water just before the bait. It can be used as a lifting body when fishing with dead bait fish, live fish or alternative baits.
This special underwater float creates enticing swirls and additional turbulence in the water just before the bait. It can be used as a lifting body when fishing with dead bait fish, live fish or alternative baits.
This special underwater float creates enticing swirls and additional turbulence in the water just before the bait. It can be used as a lifting body when fishing with dead bait fish, live fish or alternative baits.
Stefan Seuß believed in this special extra strong double hook, which had been designed for years. The double hook is used to create vertical or spinning rigs.
Stefan Seuß believed in this special extra strong double hook, which had been designed for years. The double hook is used to create vertical or spinning rigs.
Garda Braid and Hard baiting Needle je zesílená velmi pevná nerezová jehla, určená k použití pro tvrdé nástrahy jako je tygří ořech, vysušené boilies, nebo pelety.
Garda Lip Close Needle je tenká ale pevná nerezová jehla se zavíracím zámkem, určená k použití pro malé a měkké nástrahy nebo práci s tenkými silikonovými hadičkami a Stoppery.