A wide selection of fishing end tackles such as hooks, hooklinks, feeders, leaders, rigs, swivels and snaps, leads and weights, clips, sleeves, stops, tubes etc. for creating "Last Meter". Of course there are aids such as needles, drills, scissors, pliers ...
This lead weight is specially designed to be used with a safety system - lead clip - where there is a very high incidence of vases. Excellent lead for long distance casting. Lead can be used on still and slightly flowing waters.
This lead weight is specially designed to be used with a safety system - lead clip - where there is a very high incidence of vases. Excellent lead for long distance casting. Lead can be used on still and slightly flowing waters.
This lead weight is specially designed to be used with a safety system - lead clip - where there is a very high incidence of vases. Excellent lead for long distance casting. Lead can be used on still and slightly flowing waters.
This lead weight is specially designed to be used with a safety system - lead clip - where there is a very high incidence of vases. Excellent lead for long distance casting. Lead can be used on still and slightly flowing waters.
This lead weight is specially designed to be used with a safety system - lead clip - where there is a very high incidence of vases. Excellent lead for long distance casting. Lead can be used on still and slightly flowing waters.
This lead weight is specially designed to be used with a safety system - lead clip - where there is a very high incidence of vases. Excellent lead for long distance casting. Lead can be used on still and slightly flowing waters.
This lead weight is specially designed to be used with a safety system - lead clip - where there is a very high incidence of vases. Excellent lead for long distance casting. Lead can be used on still and slightly flowing waters.
This lead weight is specially designed to be used with a safety system - lead clip - where there is a very high incidence of vases. Excellent lead for long distance casting. Lead can be used on still and slightly flowing waters.
This lead weight is specially designed to be used with a safety system - lead clip - where there is a very high incidence of vases. Excellent lead for long distance casting. Lead can be used on still and slightly flowing waters.
The new Extra Carp camouflage lead clip is equipped with a special hanger that is much stronger than any other plastic hanger. It can easily withstand even the strongest casts with the heaviest lead.
The brand new Extra Carp lead clip can withstand any load and will never disappoint you! The clip was made of a special, almost indestructible material! You don't have to worry about cracking under any load!
Nová Extra Carp závěska na olovo je vybavena speciálním ramínkem, které je mnohem pevnější než jakákoliv jiná plastová závěska. Bez problémů snese opravdu i ty nejsilnější náhozy s nejtěžšími olovy.
Tato nová závěska Extra Carp odolá každé zátěži a nikdy vás nezklame! Závěska byla vyrobena ze speciálního téměř nezničitelného materiálu! Nemusíte mít obavy, že by při jakékoliv zátěži došlo ke praskuntí!
Tato nová závěska Extra Carp odolá každé zátěži a nikdy Vás nezklame. Jediná závěska na trhu, která nikdy nepraskne! Na závěsce jsou závity pro našroubování převleku tail rubber, aby lépe držel.