Garda Braid and Hard baiting Needle je zesílená velmi pevná nerezová jehla, určená k použití pro tvrdé nástrahy jako je tygří ořech, vysušené boilies, nebo pelety.
Garda Lip Close Needle je tenká ale pevná nerezová jehla se zavíracím zámkem, určená k použití pro malé a měkké nástrahy nebo práci s tenkými silikonovými hadičkami a Stoppery.
Boilies Boss2 can be successfully used all year round. The nutritional and structural composition is designed to match the bait with its applicability from spring to winter, with a high attractiveness.
Boilies Boss2 can be successfully used all year round. The nutritional and structural composition is designed to match the bait with its applicability from spring to winter, with a high attractiveness.
Boilies Boss2 can be successfully used all year round. The nutritional and structural composition is designed to match the bait with its applicability from spring to winter, with a high attractiveness.
Rádi bychom Vám představili zbrusu novou kuličku ze špičkových atraktorů s poněkud netradičním názvem SATAN. Není to náhodou. Vždyť která nástraha se může chlubit tak explozivním spektrem nutričních i atrakčních komponentů, které svou vyváženou účastí dávají tomuto boilies obrovský potenciál pro celoroční rybolov.
Boilies Boss2 can be successfully used all year round. The nutritional and structural composition is designed to match the bait with its applicability from spring to winter, with a high attractiveness.
The main goal of this bait was to produce boilies of strong color and penetrating aroma while maintaining maximum attractiveness. Mermaid balls are sweet flavors and their pink color is a huge attraction for carp.
The main goal of this bait was to produce boilies of strong color and penetrating aroma while maintaining maximum attractiveness. Pikanter is orange with a spicy meat scent, which will fascinate every older carp.
The main goal of this bait was to produce boilies of strong color and penetrating aroma while maintaining maximum attractiveness. The sunflower is yellow in color and has a very pungent sweet flavor.
The main goal of this bait was to produce boilies of strong color and penetrating aroma while maintaining maximum attractiveness. Mermaid balls are sweet flavors and their pink color is a huge attraction for carp.
The main goal of this bait was to produce boilies of strong color and penetrating aroma while maintaining maximum attractiveness. Pikanter is orange with a spicy meat scent, which will fascinate every older carp.
The main goal of this bait was to produce boilies of strong color and penetrating aroma while maintaining maximum attractiveness. Mermaid balls are sweet flavors and their pink color is a huge attraction for carp.
The main goal of this bait was to produce boilies of strong color and penetrating aroma while maintaining maximum attractiveness. Pikanter is orange with a spicy meat scent, which will fascinate every older carp.
The main goal of this bait was to produce boilies of strong color and penetrating aroma while maintaining maximum attractiveness. The sunflower is yellow in color and has a very pungent sweet flavor.
Cranberry is a boilie that is designed purely into cold water. The consistency is coarser and the boilies are crumbling, which together with several special attractors is key to success in colder water.